Since its inception, ASER has expanded its work by engaging the expertise of various scientists to assist it with creating a Quality Assurance (QA) standards and self-policing certification programs for the Dietary Supplement and Nutritional industry.
By engaging the expertise of scientists trained in quality control & good manufacturing practices and others with regulatory and pharmacology/toxicology/environmental specialties ASER has created a Quality Assurance (QA) & GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) program. This new and independent certification process helps industry's clients and consumers identify them as companies who are invested in and committed to producing and marketing Quality Products.
Certification granted to a product manufacturer and/or distributor will signify that the products labeling conforms to the current federal laws and regulations applicable to the dietary supplements. The product may only be considered safe based on studies and/or prior human experiences, (See Science Data Seal) and if it is manufactured according to the current GMP as applied in the industry.
The Certification will expire in one year unless renewed by the certified manufacturer. Each year's renewal review will be based on review of any label changes, results of random sample analysis, and adherence to Good Manufacturing Practices. By engaging the expertise of scientists trained in quality control & good manufacturing practices and others with regulatory and pharmacology/toxicology/environmental specialties ASER has created a Quality Assurance (QA) & GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) program. This new and independent certification process helps the industry's clients and consumers identify them as companies who are invested in and committed to producing and marketing Quality Products.